
営業中です。 I drink at noon and am welcome. The seat preparation in the shop is possible! I sell the lunch Let’s give immunity by a very nutritious meal! In addition, I wear thorough sterilization in the shop, all staff masks to be able to eat and drink to a customer in peace safely! In addition, I perform sterilization, the thermometry of the finger with alcohol before the verge of the visit and the meal
#StorespecializinginYurakuchobar #ランチ有楽町 #ランチ日比谷 #今飲めるとこ #Hibiya#Yurakucholunch #saltwithricemalt #allyoucandrink #Yurakucholunchdrink #horsesplinter #shochu #Tokyotakeout #Okinawadishes #Yurakuchodinnermeeting #immunityup #freshone #lunch #takeout #予約 #会食 #コース #飲み放題